RSW Wrap-Up

RSW Wrap-Up

I’m working my way through Ready, Set Write! this summer 🙂    

ANDDDDDD it’s over!  I can’t believe we started this 12 weeks ago and those weeks are gone.  The summer flew by so quickly.  I’m back at work and already counting the days till next summer so we can do this all over again.


Here are my original goals l set back in June and how I did on them:


1.  Finish drafting current WIP.  It’s a little more than half done, so I’m shooting for being done with the first draft by mid-July.  I did finish my draft!  It was July 30 I believe, but I got it done.

2.  Revise and polish said WIP until it’s just right.  Almost.  I was about a day or two away from being done and ready to send to readers when I changed directions.  I added in a little twist and am only a few days away now from finishing that up.

3.  Revise and polish an older draft.  Bust.  I didn’t do this, but I DID send it to a new reader and hope to make this my pre-NaNoWriMo project.

4.  Write 35 college recommendation letters.  I wrote 12.  This is actually okay.  I’m pretty fast at writing them at work and 23 isn’t that many in the grand scheme of things.  Doable.

5.  Make healthy choices.  End of July I started the 21 Day Fix, which I enjoyed and saw some results from.  I’ve taken a few weeks off since finishing and plan to start round 2 next week.  It’s good for me as it preaches portion size, eating the right amount of calories (more than I’m used to), and uses daily workouts with weights.  This should be easier once I’m in my new routine.


All in all, a positive and productive summer.  Something I didn’t anticipate was prepping my WIP for contests.  I’ve entered one and will enter another next week.  This is an exciting new adventure for me and I’m interested to see how it all turns out,


A big thank you to all the hosts–this was really fun and so good for accountability.  Can’t wait for next summer!!


RSW Week 12

RSW Week 12

I’m working my way through Ready, Set Write! this summer 🙂    

This update is coming to you from my office at work.  Summer is gone gone gone.  

Week 12 Update:

1.  How I did on last week’s goals:  Well, that was a bust.  I wrote exactly one rec letter, so not the 5 I wanted.  I’m at 11 total, 25 or so to go before they need to start being mailed out, but it’s very manageable now that I’m back at school.

I DID begin to revise my manuscript, wrote some new backstory on the hook I decided to go with, and revised 3 chapters with the hook added in.  I think it’s going to be more work than I originally anticipated but I believe it’s the right thing to do.

2.  My goal(s) for this week:  5 letters done.  Shouldn’t be hard, now that my butt is back in my desk chair.

Revise more of WIP.  Spoke with my agent this week about next steps and we’re not going to sub it, but I’m going to ready it for contests.  There’s one with a deadline of less than 2 weeks from now, so that’ll be my goal.

Marinate on the next book.  Agent and I agreed on the next 3 (!!!!) books to move forward with and while I’ve got the hooks, I don’t have the characters or much of the plots, so I’ve got to think on those.  Once I figure out the first book’s details, I’ll write a synopsis and hopefully work on it for NaNoWriMo.

3.  A favorite line from my story OR one word/phrase that sums up what I wrote/revised.

New words!  This is my female MC, in a flashback, meeting with a fortune teller.

Freya smiled with one eyebrow up and put her other hand over top of mine. “I will tell you everything I see for you, okay?” I smiled nervously at her and nodded. There was something kind in her pale blue eyes and in the sum total of thirty seconds she’d been holding my hand, I felt like I could trust her. “There is a theme to your life, Phoebe.” I shivered when she said my name, even though it was sweltering hot outside. “You are meant to make others happy. You like to put pieces together and make something that is bigger than the pieces.” Freya eyed me and cocked her head to the side. “You’re close with your family, yes?”

“Yes,” I squeaked out.

“You are also like them, in mind and heart. That won’t change.” I smile. I couldn’t imagine being unlike my family.

4.  The biggest challenge I faced this week (ex. finding time to write):  Psyching myself up for going back to work put a damper on productivity.  I’m finding that giving myself small deadlines–the end of the week, a couple of days, etc.–is helpful.  I work better under pressure.

5.  Something I love about my WiP:   I love my new hook.  I think it really grounds my female MC and gives her a purpose she didn’t have before.

How did YOU do?

RSW Week 11

RSW Week 11

I’m working my way through Ready, Set Write! this summer 🙂    


And as of this Friday, my summer is officially over.  In terms of words, it’s been an incredibly productive summer.  I wrote a story I love with characters I adore, and really, what more can a girl ask for?


Week 11 Update:


1.  How I did on last week’s goals:  Well, my goal was to find the “bigger hook” for my manuscript, which I’m not sure I did, but since all of this publishing business is subjective, it’s possible someone will think I did.  🙂  I revised exactly zero words but I spent a LOT of time thinking and plotting and letting ideas simmer.  I’m content with the decision I’ve decided to go in, so that’s something.

I also worked on finding hooks for other ideas I have brewing, or for things I’ve got 1st drafts on that need revisions, and came up with several one-two line pitches for them.  A few are really standing out and talking to me, so one will most likely become this year’s NaNo project.

I completed 8 recommendations letters, better than my goal of 5, so yay!  I’m at 10 total.

I’ve now completed one round of the 21 day fix, which I enjoyed but did not stick with 100%, particularly this last weekend.  I may have fallen off the wagon, but it won’t be hard to get back into the routine starting today and this is definitely something I can make happen while I’m back at work full time.

2.  My goal(s) for this week:  Same as last week – revise the manuscript and write 5 letters.  I go back to work Friday (who makes employees return on a Friday?!) so it’ll be a challenge.

3.  A favorite line from my story OR one word/phrase that sums up what I wrote/revised.

I got nothing for ya this week in terms of new words.  Here’s a pitch, though, for a story that’s already written and needs some cleaning up.

When a state championship-bound swimmer catches his coach, who happens to also be his future sister-in-law, taking advantage of a new teammate, he must decide whether telling is worth ripping his team and his family apart.

4.  The biggest challenge I faced this week (ex. finding time to write):  Always me.  This was the week my brain decided to actually take a vacation.  I watched a lot of bad TV, read some books, went shopping, but did not crack the WIP at all.  I figure since I worked my butt off every other week since the end of June, I probably needed and deserved the break.

5.  Something I love about my WiP:   This is more in general, but I love that when I finish something I love, my brain presents me with another idea.  I’m always terrified that I won’t be able to keep this up, that the ideas will just dry up, but so far, that hasn’t been the case.  And this time around?  I’ve been hit with about 5 new ideas so now the problem is just picking one.

How did YOU do?

RSW Week 10

RSW Week 10

I’m working my way through Ready, Set Write! this summer 🙂  


Week 9 Update:


1.  How I did on last week’s goals:  Last week, my goal was the revise my recently completed YA contemp manuscript.  I got about halfway through and had all the intentions of finishing when my agent and I had a discussion about it needing a bigger hook to move forward with it.  So I paused revisions and have been plotting ever since.

I completed a whopping 2 recommendation letters, so not the 3 I was hoping for.

I also fell off the wagon a little with the 21 day fix, but stress will do that to you.

2.  My goal(s) for this week:  Honestly, the only thing I care about right now is finding the elusive “bigger hook.”  I *think* I’m on the right track with an idea that will still tell the story I want to tell, but makes it a lot more interesting.  I’ve got a little less than 2 weeks until school starts, so at least having a direction and making some progress before then would be nice.

I need to have at least 5 letters done this week.

And I’d like to stay on the 21 day fix plan as best as I can this week.  This is week 3, gotta finish strong.

3.  A favorite line from my story OR one word/phrase that sums up what I wrote/revised.

This is THE END.  I don’t think it will be changing.

Theo slings an arm over my shoulder and scoots my chair, with me on it, close enough so our hips touch. “You know what Pop would say if he were here right now?”

I smile into Theo’s shoulder. “What would that wise wise man say?”

“He would ask us why we’re not eating cake right now.”

I laugh. “Then let’s go get some cake.”


4.  The biggest challenge I faced this week (ex. finding time to write):  Myself, completely.  I get so emotionally attached to what I’ve written that changing gears is really difficult for me, even if I know in my head that it’s totally the right thing to do.  I tend to react immediately, and personally, when I really need to take a few days and marinate and wait for all the pieces to click together.  This happened to me with the book I got my agent with–I completely changed the ethnicity of a central family in the book and it altered, IMO, the whole feel of the book and made it much more universal.  But it took me a long time and waiting for mental clarity to come to that conclusion.  Hoping that the direction I’d like to go in is the right one this time too.

5.  Something I love about my WiP:   That this new idea, this “hook,” might just make it what it’s supposed to be.

How did YOU do?

RSW Week 9

RSW Week 9

I’m working my way through Ready, Set Write! this summer 🙂  

In depressing news, it’s now August and my simmer officially implodes in 3 weeks.  So sad.

Week 8 Update:

1.  How I did on last week’s goals:  My only goal last week was to FINISH THE BOOK!  Which, thankfully, I did 🙂  Thursday I typed THE END on my contemporary dual POV YA novel LIFE IS WHAT HAPPENS and was so mentally exhausted afterwards, I flopped down on the couch and watched a few hours of truly embarrassing reality TV.  As one does.

Last week I mentioned I was going to try and branch out into writing WF, so I also typed up 2 fake query letters for ideas to send to my agent at some point.  The one keeps swirling and I plotted a little, picked out a few names, researched location, so that may be the keeper.

I also made is through the first week of the 21 Day Fix!

2.  My goal(s) for this week:  Start revisions on WIP.  I am historically a terrible reviser.  I’m really good at compartmentalizing and emotionally packing things away when they’re done, so going back and changing things is really difficult for me.  My brain keeps saying “But this is how it happened.  It’s already over. ”  I am grateful for my CPs and betas who can show me otherwise.  

I also want  play with a first chapter for one of my WF ideas, which I am lovingly calling the Dead Ex-Boyfriend Book, at the moment.

And *grumble grumble* I need to face the reality of recommendation letters.  I haven’t even looked at my materials to start writing them, so I should perhaps think about changing that.  A low bar – 3 letters done this week.

3.  A favorite line from my story OR one word/phrase that sums up what I wrote/revised.

Her white dress hugs her curves in all the right places and stops at her knee, showing off the legs I’ve been admiring for months. Her shit-kicker heels make her almost my height and I wonder how she can walk in them, but I’m glad, more than glad, she’s wearing them. They’re shiny and red and I hope she never takes them off. I move my eyes from her feet all the way up past the little white blazer to the top of her head. Her long hair is down and falls around her shoulders and right on top, like a cherry on a sundae, is a sparkly princess crown. I laugh to myself. Phoebe looks exactly like a dominatrix’s sweeter sister. Just as deadly, but she’ll kick your ass with a smile on her face.

And she is smiling at me.

4.  The biggest challenge I faced this week (ex. finding time to write):  Actually getting through the end scenes I’ve had in my head for months was more of a challenge than I imagined.  I will miss these characters!

5.  Something I love about my WiP:   It makes me laugh and makes me cry.

How did YOU do?

RSW Week 8

RSW Week 8


I’m working my way through Ready, Set Write! this summer 🙂  How are we starting week 8 already?!?! 

Week 7 Update:

1.  How I did on last week’s goals:  So last week was all about busting my butt and writing as many words as I could.  In 3 days, I wrote just over 10,000 words, which is a recent record for me.  I’ve been doing dribs and drabs for months, so it felt good to really bang some words out and to know that I CAN produce if I push myself.  I was fully exhausted, but I did it.  I really wanted to have the draft done but I’m 2 or 3 scenes short of the end.  Not to worry, I will get it done this week for sure.

Last week was also successful because I got to meet my amazing agent in person for the first time at RWA, where I did not attend the conference but had a good time checking out the hotel and hanging out in New York for the second time this month. She was, as expected, super lovely and I was reminded of how lucky I am to have her on my side.  We decided that my book that’s been out on sub for almost a year is going to get shelved for the moment, I’ll continue with current WIP and hopefully ready that for sub in the near future, and I’ll play around with writing women’s fiction.  I’ve got 2 ideas that need some marinating and she likes both of them, thankfully.  Perhaps this year’s NaNo project if I can work out what I want to write.  While the idea of switching age groups is a little scary, it certainly opens up a new range of experiences I can tap into.

2.  My goal(s) for this week:  Finish the WIP.  However many words that takes.  Less than 5K, I think.  Also, today I start the 21 Day Fix, so another goal is to stick with the plan.  I like that there’s so much community built in to the program so I’m hopeful I’ll be able to follow through.

3.  A favorite line from my story OR one word/phrase that sums up what I wrote/revised.

There is nothing that prepares you for losing the person you love the most in the world.  The person who loves you the most.  Sure, the proverbial “they” always talk about having a hole in your heart but losing Pop just confirms that that idea is complete bullshit.  It’s not a hole.  It’s like someone fired a Revolutionary War style cannon into my heart and ripped it clean out of my body.  A gaping cavern where my heart used to be and the rest of my important life-sustaining parts ready to jump rather than go down with a sinking ship.  The appropriate term would be gutted.  I am gutted that Pop is gone and I will never see him again.


4.  The biggest challenge I faced this week (ex. finding time to write):  Not much.  I was determined to beat the distractions and I did.  Now to keep up the momentum…..

5.  Something I love about my WiP:   As is probably obvious from the excerpt, I killed a character this week.  And the minute I wrote the words where he died, I started crying.  I’m hoping that emotional attachment is felt by the reader as well.

How did YOU do?


RSW Week 7

RSW Week 7



I’m working my way through Ready, Set Write! this summer 🙂

Week 6 Update:

1.  How I did on last week’s goals:  It’s amazing what you can do when you set the bar low.  I wanted 2000 words and surprised myself by getting 3000, so yay!  I also made my goal of 2 trips to the gym.  We were in NYC for my daughter’s surprise birthday trip, which was totally amazing, and ended up walking about 22 miles in 3 days, so I’m counting that as an exercise win as well.  I also ordered the materials to start the 21 Day Fix, so I’ll get started on that probably next week when I have all the stuff.


2.  My goal(s) for this week:  A very loft goal – finish the draft by Wednesday night.  I’ll need probably 9-10K for this, I think, so I’m really suspending all activity and just writing.  Why am I doing this?  Because I get to meet my agent in person on Friday (!!! and back to NYC for a quick adult trip) and I want to be able to talk about this with her.  She knows about it, has blessed the idea, but it will be great to have something complete.  Fingers crossed.

3.  A favorite line from my story OR one word/phrase that sums up what I wrote/revised.

I head into the kitchen and press play on our ancient answering machine that Dad insists on keeping with our ridiculous landline “in case the power goes out.”

Mom’s voice crackles. “Hi Theo, this is your mother.” No shit. “I know you’re so excited to talk about college with me, but I met a professor at the farmer’s market the other day and mentioned how brilliant you are.” She probably embellished to make herself look good. “He told me he knows some people in admissions up here and would be happy to talk to them on your behalf if you’re interested. Said sometimes they’re willing to consider late applications. Just think about it okay. And call me.” She air kisses into the phone and then the message clicks off.

My mother has sunk to new lows by discussing me with total strangers. There’s no way I’m calling her back or spending any time thinking about the stupid favor she’s calling in. No, Mother, I will not do this just because you want. There is absolutely nothing wrong with me not going to college right away if that’s what I want. And there’s also nothing wrong with me not knowing what I want. And if I don’t figure it out until I’m forty and make lattes for bratty high school kids while I marinate on my life’s purpose, so be it. I’m so sick of this being in my face all the freaking time.

4.  The biggest challenge I faced this week (ex. finding time to write):  As always, just time.  And being distracted by everything else shiny around me.  I’m determined to beat it this week.

5.  Something I love about my WiP:   Right now, I’m excited that it’s almost done and that I can go back and revise, lol.

How did YOU do?


RSW Week 6

RSW Week 6

I’m working my way through Ready, Set Write! this summer 🙂

Week 6 Update:

1.  How I did on last week’s goals:  Derailed!  I got sick Monday night and it took the entire week to recover.  I managed to get about 2500 words, thankfully, and I’m pleased about that, but no gym, no 7 min workout, and no letter prepping.

2.  My goal(s) for this week:  We’re taking our little one on a surprise trip to NYC for her 5th birthday M-W, so my time is limited this week.  I’ll shoot low and say 1000 words and 2 trips to the gym.  My BIG goal is to have my draft done by next Thursday 7/23 but I’ll have to bust my booty next week to make that happen.  I’m thinking I’m about 15K away.  I’ve also rationalized that I can start my letter writing the last week of July and still finish on time, so that’s a relief.

3.  A favorite line from my story OR one word/phrase that sums up what I wrote/revised.


In a flash, before I realize what he’s doing, Theo is standing on top of the hardwood seat on his side of the booth. “Can I have everyone’s attention for a second?” Oh god. I want to slide to the floor. This is not what I had in mind. I squint up at him, his arms stretched out not unlike when he’s doing a magic show. “I just want to take a moment of your time and let everyone present know that I like Phoebe Lennox.” He puts heavy emphasis on the like so there is no way to misunderstand what he means. “We’re here on our first date tonight and it’s going swimmingly.” Our waiter whoops from the front of the room and a few diners, the ones who aren’t totally confused or annoyed, start clapping. “Just thought you all should know. Hope your evening is as great as ours.” He gives a half-wave, half-salute to the room, steps onto the floor and sits back down just as some clever patron begins clinking their knife on their water glass. The sound gets louder as my cheeks get redder. Theo’s brow furrows. “Why are they doing that?”

I barely choke my words out. “It’s what you do at weddings when you want the bride and groom to kiss.”

“Oh.” Still squinting because I can’t bare to look at him fully or I might combust, I watch Theo slide out of the booth again, stand in front of my side and offer me a hand. “We can’t disappoint our audience, now can we?”

4.  The biggest challenge I faced this week (ex. finding time to write):  Sick sick sick.  It’s hard to be productive when you can’t keep your eyes open.  It’s annoying to have lost so many days but I did my best.

5.  Something I love about my WiP:   Did I mention there was kissing this week?  I always have a romantic element to my books, some much stronger than others, but I tend to save the kissing for the very end for some reason.  THIS book has kissing earlier and I’m so glad, even though I know conflict is coming and soon.

How did YOU do?

RSW Week 5

RSW Week 5

I’m working my way through Ready, Set Write! this summer 🙂

Week 5 Update:

1.  How I did on last week’s goals:  a very successful week, I am pleased to report.  I cracked 5,000 words in my WIP, which was more than I wrote the entire month of June I think, so yay!  I’m also in the place where I’m beginning to see the end.  It’s still a little bit away but it’s not too far off.  I also completed the 7 minute workout 5 times and went to the gym 5 times.  Boo.  Yeah.  I did not prep for any recommendation letters, though I can’t really say I’m sad about that.

2.  My goal(s) for this week:  Same as last week – 500 words a day or more M-F.  Prep for at least 3 recs.  Go to the gym 5/7 days and do the 7 min workout 5/7 days.

3.  A favorite line from my story OR one word/phrase that sums up what I wrote/revised.

Content is a watered-down version of happy. Most people want to live their life being blissfully happy, don’t they? They want to feel fulfilled in their choices and by the people around them. One hundred percent certain that they did what they were meant to do. At least, that’s what I’ve always thought.

“That sounds like settling, Grandpa. No offense, but being content is not my goal.”

4.  The biggest challenge I faced this week (ex. finding time to write):  Honestly, not much?  I’m officially on summer break and everyone else in my house is either at work or camp, so I’ve got as much peace and quiet as I need to get work done.  That said, I do have the procrastination disease (hello social media) and will sometimes put things off until it’s too late in the day to do them.  Mostly I’ve been really good about writing first thing and then exercising or vice versa.  After lunch I save for other things.

5.  Something I love about my WiP:   It challenges me.  I’m writing dual POV, male and female, and my female is very much not like me and not like many people I know IRL.  She’s hard to wrap my head around and I have to really think hard about what she would say or do.  It’s pushing me to be a more thoughtful writer.

How did YOU do?

RSW Week 4

RSW Week 4

I’m working my way through Ready, Set Write! this summer 🙂

Week 4 Update:

1.  How I did on last week’s goals:  Thank you to everyone who has been thinking good productive thoughts for me!  I made great use of my travel time last week AND my first day of summer vacay Friday and got a solid 3500 words.  I am so pleased and feeling a lot more confident going into my first full week of break.  I also prepared for writing my college recs and downloaded a new fitness app–7 MWC (7 minute workout)–and started that Saturday.

2.  My goal(s) for this week:  500 words a day or more M-F.  Prep for at least 3 recs.  Go to the gym 5/7 days and do the 7 min workout 5/7 days.

3.  A favorite line from my story OR one word/phrase that sums up what I wrote/revised.

“So. What’s going on? We don’t see you around these parts much.” I gesture to the stacks of books surrounding us. “Contemplating a career in academia?”

“I was thinking bodybuilding actually. These fuckers are heavy. I could have a six pack in about a week hauling these things around.”

4.  The biggest challenge I faced this week (ex. finding time to write):  Time and lack of structure.  I was bound by someone else’s schedule last week so I basically had to make due with the little time I had.  Luckily for me, the lack of wi-fi on the plane and the ridiculously long time it took my hotel to tell me my room was clean worked in my favor.

5.  Something I love about my WiP:   It’s funny.  A CP read the first half this week and 95% of her comments were laughter.


Another thank you to everyone who cheered me on last week and left me comments – it helped tremendously.  I’ll be commenting back this week for sure!