RSW Week 9

RSW Week 9

I’m working my way through Ready, Set Write! this summer 🙂  

In depressing news, it’s now August and my simmer officially implodes in 3 weeks.  So sad.

Week 8 Update:

1.  How I did on last week’s goals:  My only goal last week was to FINISH THE BOOK!  Which, thankfully, I did 🙂  Thursday I typed THE END on my contemporary dual POV YA novel LIFE IS WHAT HAPPENS and was so mentally exhausted afterwards, I flopped down on the couch and watched a few hours of truly embarrassing reality TV.  As one does.

Last week I mentioned I was going to try and branch out into writing WF, so I also typed up 2 fake query letters for ideas to send to my agent at some point.  The one keeps swirling and I plotted a little, picked out a few names, researched location, so that may be the keeper.

I also made is through the first week of the 21 Day Fix!

2.  My goal(s) for this week:  Start revisions on WIP.  I am historically a terrible reviser.  I’m really good at compartmentalizing and emotionally packing things away when they’re done, so going back and changing things is really difficult for me.  My brain keeps saying “But this is how it happened.  It’s already over. ”  I am grateful for my CPs and betas who can show me otherwise.  

I also want  play with a first chapter for one of my WF ideas, which I am lovingly calling the Dead Ex-Boyfriend Book, at the moment.

And *grumble grumble* I need to face the reality of recommendation letters.  I haven’t even looked at my materials to start writing them, so I should perhaps think about changing that.  A low bar – 3 letters done this week.

3.  A favorite line from my story OR one word/phrase that sums up what I wrote/revised.

Her white dress hugs her curves in all the right places and stops at her knee, showing off the legs I’ve been admiring for months. Her shit-kicker heels make her almost my height and I wonder how she can walk in them, but I’m glad, more than glad, she’s wearing them. They’re shiny and red and I hope she never takes them off. I move my eyes from her feet all the way up past the little white blazer to the top of her head. Her long hair is down and falls around her shoulders and right on top, like a cherry on a sundae, is a sparkly princess crown. I laugh to myself. Phoebe looks exactly like a dominatrix’s sweeter sister. Just as deadly, but she’ll kick your ass with a smile on her face.

And she is smiling at me.

4.  The biggest challenge I faced this week (ex. finding time to write):  Actually getting through the end scenes I’ve had in my head for months was more of a challenge than I imagined.  I will miss these characters!

5.  Something I love about my WiP:   It makes me laugh and makes me cry.

How did YOU do?

13 thoughts on “RSW Week 9

  1. That snippet is AWESOME! And congrats on finishing your draft! Such an amazing feeling! Hope you have another great week!


  2. That excerpt — YES. Loved it! Such a vivid, clever description. Totally made me smile. 🙂 And biggest congrats on finishing your book. How amazing! You deserved that reality TV. Have an awesome week, Christina!


  3. First of all, congrats on finishing your book! That’s fantastic! And this is EXACTLY how I feel when it comes to changing things during revisions too: “But this is how it happened. It’s already over.” Yes! It’s so hard to switch gears and imagine the story another way when it’s already played out. Great description in your excerpt! I especially liked the last two lines. Good luck diving into revisions!


  4. Yay for finishing your book! That’s such a great feeling. Endings can be so hard because they’re in your head the whole time, and when you get there, it’s hard to be sure you’re doing justice to the book as a whole. I mean, for me as a reader, the ending is the part of a book that sticks in my head the most after reading, so it’s a pretty big deal. Good luck with your goals this week! 🙂


  5. AH congratulations on finishing your draft! And that snippet is all kinds of awesome! Good luck with your goals this week, I know you’re gonna rock them!


  6. Congrats on finishing!!! I love the excerpt, especially the shit-kicker heels 🙂 Urg I know what you mean about revising and thinking things are already set in stone. Sometimes forcing myself to think of three alternatives helps because, true to form, I usually jump on my first idea and think “Yes! THIS is now the way it happened for sure!” Have a great week 🙂


  7. Oh wow, that snippet is simply WOW! 🙂
    Congrats on finishing your WiP! And yes, watching really bad reality TV after finishing a draft is a requirement I think 🙂


  8. Congrats! The End is a serious milestone! Celebrate for sure.

    I love the kick your ass with a smile one her face part, made me grin!

    Have fun revising and know you did amazing with FINISHING!


  9. The snippet is awesome, as is the description “Dead Ex-Boyfriend Book”. Both of these make me want to read their respective projects 😀

    Congrats on getting to the end, and good luck revising!


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