RSW Week 4

RSW Week 4

I’m working my way through Ready, Set Write! this summer 🙂

Week 4 Update:

1.  How I did on last week’s goals:  Thank you to everyone who has been thinking good productive thoughts for me!  I made great use of my travel time last week AND my first day of summer vacay Friday and got a solid 3500 words.  I am so pleased and feeling a lot more confident going into my first full week of break.  I also prepared for writing my college recs and downloaded a new fitness app–7 MWC (7 minute workout)–and started that Saturday.

2.  My goal(s) for this week:  500 words a day or more M-F.  Prep for at least 3 recs.  Go to the gym 5/7 days and do the 7 min workout 5/7 days.

3.  A favorite line from my story OR one word/phrase that sums up what I wrote/revised.

“So. What’s going on? We don’t see you around these parts much.” I gesture to the stacks of books surrounding us. “Contemplating a career in academia?”

“I was thinking bodybuilding actually. These fuckers are heavy. I could have a six pack in about a week hauling these things around.”

4.  The biggest challenge I faced this week (ex. finding time to write):  Time and lack of structure.  I was bound by someone else’s schedule last week so I basically had to make due with the little time I had.  Luckily for me, the lack of wi-fi on the plane and the ridiculously long time it took my hotel to tell me my room was clean worked in my favor.

5.  Something I love about my WiP:   It’s funny.  A CP read the first half this week and 95% of her comments were laughter.


Another thank you to everyone who cheered me on last week and left me comments – it helped tremendously.  I’ll be commenting back this week for sure!



15 thoughts on “RSW Week 4

  1. Congratulations on your words! And congratulations on successfully writing on a plane too, writing while travelling is a real pain. 🙂 The 7-minute workout sounds like an interesting idea, how is it working so far? 😮

    I love that excerpt, made me laugh out loud!

    Good luck with this week!


    1. I’m 3 days in now and so far, so good. It’s easy in the sense that I’ll say yes to doing it and I’m definitely sweating by the end. There are little incentives in the app as well, so that always helps.


  2. You did great!!! 🙂 And I smiled reading the excerpt you shared so I can see why your CP laughed a lot reading part of your MS. Seriously, this –> ““I was thinking bodybuilding actually. These fuckers are heavy. I could have a six pack in about a week hauling these things around.”–> awesome excerpt and it’s true, right? 🙂

    I have to check out that 7-minute workout thingie. Sounds like something I could add to my workout days 🙂

    Good luck this week! You can do it!


  3. Your story sounds like it would be funny. I love that excerpt! And so glad for all the words! Hope you have another great week!


  4. Time and lack of structure. OMG, I struggle with these all. the. time. Yet, I still manage to play Candy Crush for an hour instead of doing more important things. Good luck with your goals this week.


  5. Way to go turning the negatives (no wifi and long wait for room) into positives on the writing front! Good luck this week with everything and getting back to a schedule/structure.


  6. Congrats on getting so much writing done while traveling! That is so hard to do, so I’m impressed. And that excerpt is great. The voice really comes through in those few lines. Good luck hitting your word count goals this week.


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